2 Days focused on mastering the use of your legs to deliver devastating and easy-to-learn kicks used for real-life self-defense. Also, you will learn how to defend against every type of kick.
Stretching legs
Dynamic stretching front kicks
Femoral stretching
Quadriceps stretching
Ankles stretching
Knees stretching
Conditioning legs:
running on the spots sprints
Indian squats
1 Leg squat
Explosive squat
Static Squat
60 seconds squats
Walking on squat
Targeted area
1) Groin Kick
Front leg – Rear leg – Square position
2) Transverse kick
Front Leg – Rear Leg
3) Snap Kick
Shin kick straight - Inside leg - Knee – Groin – Inside Calves
4) Defensive kick
Stomach chest
5) Round kick Magal"
Shin – Leg – Upper bod
6) Sidekick
7) Back kick
8) Donkey kick to groin
9) Crescent Kick "Stira" inside outside
10) Direct returned (spinning back kick)
11) Return side (spinning side kick)
12) Returned Circular (spinning round house kick)
13) Slap returned (Spinning crescent kick)
14) Defense against spinning kick
a) By attacking the opponent's hip
b) As on stick lateral attack (elbow to elbow)
15) Defense against round kick
16) Defense against straight Kick
17) Knee strike
Front leg – Rear Leg – Defense against knee strike
18) Ankle kick
1) Hand tied battle kicks or die drill
2) Fake Jab and round kick
3) Straight Kick – Jab cross – Elbow – Knee
4) Jab Kick
Jab – Round sheen kick - Elbow - Body shot liver – Knee strike
5) Transverse Kick against boxer
Transverse kick, palm strikes 1 and 2, hammer fist, knee strike
6) 3 Opponents drill
7) Font kick and kick back of leg
8) Side kick
Side Kick, knife hand, Knee strike
9) Donkey Groin Kick
Donkey groin kick – Headbutt from rear – Elbow strike – Head take down from back
10) Jeet Tek
11) Snap kick Take down no hands
Snap kick to one of the 4 target areas – land on the opponent's foot and pin it down – Shoulder strike – Take down
2 days of training – 12 Hours total
For booking, locations, and dates of the nearest boot camp contact
Practicing scenario when you are surrounded by 2 attackers
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